I was reading Eugene Peterson last night and he was talking about how 'the self' has replaced 'the soul' in modern thinking, and we are worse off as a result. Self is about me - myself - it is individual, isolated, alone (I'm paraphrasing). The soul is connected to God and to others.
And so my mind went back to my call to ministry, which comes from Colossians 1: 28, 'We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.'
I concentrated on 'proclaiming' 'admonishing', 'teaching'. I understood the Greek word translated 'perfect' - τελειος - but I understood it in holiness terms. Peterson got me thinking about 'completeness'. Maybe I was called to make people complete - less self-ish, more soul-ish!
I will have to think about that more!